In February 2014 the Rotary Club of Dartmouth was approached by the Canadian Paraplegic Association (Nova Scotia) that had a client in rehab with a mobility disability. When admitted to rehab he was using a manual wheelchair but was discharged using a power wheelchair. He was looking for volunteers to upgrade his home wheelchair ramp in order to ensure it could safely support the added weight of the power wheelchair.
The existing ramp was only a thin piece of plywood
The Rotary Club of Dartmouth decided to help. The job was straight forward as the new ramp only had to be approximately 1.5x2 metres and was sloped at ground level.
The ramp was prefabricated and brought to the site for installation. The only hitch was that the ground was frozen solid and took many hours of heating applied via a “tiger torch” before the installation could commence. Once thawed the ramp was installed quickly and the ramp went into service.
The New Ramp (simple but effective)
The Happy Client

Two Rotarian Happy to Serve